Privacy Policy

At Morgan Scott Accountants Ltd, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

The aim of this privacy policy is to explain when and why we collect personal information about people who visit our website, how we use it and how we may disclose it to other organisations.

Morgan Scott Accountants Ltd is registered in England and Wales (05238466). The registered address is 4 High Street, Stanley, Co Durham DH9 0DQ.

What information do we collect about you?

Personal information means any information that may be used to identify you, such as your name, title, phone number or email address. We obtain information about you when you use our website, for example when you contact us.

How will we use the information about you?

At Morgan Scott, we always ensure we are acting fairly and lawfully, and this extends to how we use your information. We will not sell or rent your information to third parties, nor will we share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

  • We may use your information to:
    Send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you
  • Process a job application submitted through our website
  • To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into by you and us
  • To notify you of changes to our services

We review our retention periods for personal data on a regular basis. We are legally required to hold some types of information for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, regulatory or reporting requirements. We will hold your personal data on our systems in accordance with our retention policy and for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity, or as long as is set out in any relevant contract you hold with us.

Access to your information

The accuracy of your information is important to us. We’re working on ways to make it easier for you to review amend or delete the information that we hold about you. In the meantime, if you change email address, or if any of the other information we hold is inaccurate or out of date, please contact our Privacy Team who will be more than happy to update our records.

Where we store your information

All of the information which you submit via our website is stored and located within the European Union. We will not export the information you provide outside of the EU.


Our cookie policy can be found here

Other Websites

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may update this policy from time to time and we suggest you review this page occasionally. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy and the way in which we use this data please get in touch with our Privacy Team.

We may update this policy from time to time and we suggest you review this page occasionally. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy and the way in which we use this data please get in touch with our Privacy Team.


Please speak to our Privacy Team first as we may be able to quickly and easily resolve the problem. In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed, or how your complaint has been handled, you have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the Information Commissioners’ Office who’s website is or calling 0330 123 1113.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or the information we hold about you. You can email us using [email protected], write to us at Morgan Scott Accountants, 4 High Street, Stanley, Co Durham, DH9 0DQ or telephone on 01207 282373